YOU MUST READ THIS, written by a women that visited the New York ACC......
FROM MARY JO Karen and I went to the ACC today to pull Thomas, the 10 year old owner surrender, shep mix. He is an amazing dog, big, strong and yet a gentle giant, just like his volunteer description said!!! He is now safe and sound at Narrows!
While there, I did what I have never done before. I went into the shelter and actually looked at the pets for adoption. I never do this because I have always thought it to be too painful and I was right in one way, but wrong in another. By seeing first-hand all the animals that are at RISK of dying, I felt an equal feeling of desperation, but determination to make my visit count!!!
First of all, there are tons of wonderful cats there! Super friendly, really pretty, all ages and literally dying for a home!! Some are so sad, and just sit in the cage without even letting on they know you are there, then there were many other who came to the front of their cages to give me their heads to pet... and others were putting their little paws out to shake hands!!! These cats are all full of life!!! They are begging, in their own quiet way, for someone to save them from a death they don't deserve. It hurts to look them in the eye and to know that their time is limited. The only thing that made me feel me control the flow of impending tears was knowing that as soon as I got home, I would write this email to everyone I know to ask them to please, please encourage people to take a ride to the shelter and adopt or foster!!!
Then, of course there are tons of beautiful, desperate pits begging for someone to take them home. As I walked by the cages, I couldn't stand the feeling of helplessness that was overcoming me. I want to help them all, but I can't. I beg you to encourage any pit lovers you know to visit the shelter ASAP... there are some incredible dogs, again literally dying for a home... No exaggeration... these dogs don't have much time.... so please, make an effort to advocate on their behalf.
Then, I walked into the small dog room. There were two very anxious beagles crying their hearts out.... really pretty dogs....anyone who loves the beagle breed, you can get yourself a fantastic dog right now... so head on over to the shelter today!
There ws also a cute little light beige chi anxiously waiting to be noticed. Please, all you chi lovers - get going...what a sweet doggie!
Next were two dogs that ripped my heart out. Two poodle mixes, both 12 years old, both owner surrenders. The white one is in such a desperate need of a grooming. She appears to be so neglected looking but yet, came to the front of her cage and gave me her little nose to rub... a sweet, calm, gentle little dog.... the black one, while not badly groomed, actually sat with his back to us, as if to let us know that he had given up! It was like he surrendered his soul to the death that awaits him if not taken out of there soon. I felt sick! Please, if anyone can help with these guys.... get going... they were not listed on the website when I last looked, but they are very much there!!
And lastly, there was a 5 year old YORKIE. If a dog could look confused, then this guy was confused. He looked disheveled and emotionless. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen... He didn't respond to us in any way at all, other than to just look deeply into my eyes as if to say... "so you are here... now what are you going to do for me? Got any answers?"
...and I can't forget my visit to the dog sick room, which is in all actuality, just one step before death... that was the room I took Thomas from. There were four beautiful pits there. All still very much full of life. Each one stood up on his back legs to lick my hands and show me that, "YES, I am sick, so they say, but I still want to LIVE. I am full of LIFE!, just look at my non-stop wagging tail"...
I felt sick, very sick as I left the shelter with ONLY ONE DOG. I wanted to leave with twenty dogs and twenty cats.
Can each of you reading this email, please reach out to as many people as you possibly can, and ask them to please consider adopting a dog or cat from the ACC today!!! Or consider fostering...THE NEED IS ENORMOUS and death awaits all those who don't get out!!! Perfectly beautiful pets, dead because no one wants to go to the ACC! Let's change this.... Let's make it so that they run out of pets... Let's make it that they have nothing to EUTH at the end of the day!!! It is a tall order, but if you don't reach for the stars when it comes to stuff like this.... then animals will continue to die in crazy numbers.
The ACC is close, only a 20 minute car ride from Bay Ridge!!!
Thanks for reading this long email and please get motivated to make a difference for these pets who are counting on us to be their voice and to make their existence known to the people outside those four shelter walls!!!
Mary Jo