We are The Mutt Scouts a 501c3 non profit org. For those that wish for a tax exempt receipt for their donation, please email us at The following is the the background on this Unnamed deaf white Pit in the emotionally brutal photo that has been passed around the internet. Brief History: This poor handsome guy first caught the attention of us at The Mutt Scouts when we were at the shelter checking on some dogs of interest. We returned on Sunday to bail a couple dogs -and if you follow our blog- http://themuttscouts.wordpress.com/ - wound up bailing many more. This Pit was not available that day but Nikki took the haunting pic that has everyone rallying for this guy's move to safety and to a facility that has the space and faculty to start his surgery, healing and rehab. Enter Kelly Gibson who was so moved by this image that she drove from San Diego up to LA to meet him. Kelly found what we did, that he was not the savage that he has been called and so deserves mercy and opportunity. Kelly's close friend, Rebecca, is the executive director of the Hamilton County Humane Society in Indiana. Rebecca has not only the desire and facilities to provide a chance for this guy, but also works with a trainer that is going to take him into her home and make his daily rehab her priority. We do not adopt out of state and have an iron clad rule not to allow networked dogs out of state either. Naturally we were skeptical when approached. But after extensive checking into Rebecca and speaking to her, we feel confident that she is so very competent, enormously dedicated and essentially the real deal. Therefore we started this fundable to help cover cost of pull, transport to a facility here for two weeks and his immediate care to be followed by his transport to her facility in Indiana. Anything left over will be handed off to his new care provider. Here is a six year old deaf dog sitting on Death Row who has been drug through hell in his life that sparked nationwide interest because of a picture. He is now being afforded a legitimate future and the possibility of pictures reflecting a vastly improved, nurturing quality of life. Huge thanks to all donators, all of you concerned for his well-being and all those reposting his story. If you have any other questions please email us at themuttscouts@gmail.com
1 comment:
this sweet guy was adopted!
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