Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Justice for Justice

There's a Dog called Justice currently at an undisclosed vet's in Queens NY. Here's a video for Justice - please watch before reading further:


(this video might break your heart)

This dog was taken by a concerned animal lover that took it to her vets for treatment and then called the ASPCA for help. Officer Romano was sent to investigate (Tel #212-876-7700). The rescuer then slipped to the owner that this dog was getting treatment and was passed to the ASPCA - the owner than called and told the APSCA that this dog was stolen.

Now the ASPCA is insisting that this poor dog goes back to it's owner where it was living in a crawl space under the house and being mauled by another dog they owned - all the time not getting any treatment for his obvious ill health.

As of tonight (12/20) we are praying that this dog is still at the vets - so far the vet has not treated this dog in anyway. The vet was ready to put Justice into surgery that night. But after carefully looking him over, the vet decided Justice needed to heal on his own. He did have mange and what looked like bite marks all over his neck. The one vet said that he would have never survived another night outside. Anemia and mange and under weight, as well as big, open, sores. He is having trouble standing and looks as if he is going to pass out as you can see in the video. The vet cannot give this dog back to the rescuer and will tomorrow be given back to the owner that let it get this way as per the advise of the ASPCA officer Romano that was called on this case.

Please call the ASPCA, get the media, call the officer - network for this poor dog. We all want a happy ending to this tradegy while this dog has a fighting chance.

For more pictures please go to: http://www.facebook.com/#/album.php?aid=2034104&id=1615345637

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Rescue Ink: helping abused animals

RESCUE INK is a rescue group unlike any you’ve seen before: a bunch of tattooed, motorcycle-riding tough guys who have joined together to fight animal cruelty, educate abusers and help resolve situations other rescue groups can’t – or won’t – handle themselves.

Some of the guys grew up in the projects, some had their brushes with the law, some used their smarts to survive, even thrive on the streets. But that was then, this is now, and today they all share a common goal: Using every means within the thin boundaries of the law, they persuade and educate abusers about the right way to treat animals.

Like many of the animals they save, the members of Rescue Ink know what it’s like to be given a second chance in life. And they’re using theirs to help the animals, no matter what it takes.

What makes them so effective? Take a look. Would you mess with these guys?


This is the message they came out with today:
everyone keep a look out for dogs outside without shelters!!!!!! tomorrow is going to be nasty 12 or more inches on long island. If you see anything please go to
http://www.rescueink.org/ and let us know

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vito needs a break!

Vito (A07815890) looks like a mini Dog De Bordeaux, he has a mushy face and is full of wiggles. He has the BEST smile ever and will absolutely make you laugh. Vito knows ‘sit’ and has no food issues. He would prefer the company of people, but can be ok with other dog with long, proper introductions. He is about 3 years old and came to ACCT when he was shot. Yup, he spent over a month in ICU with a wound in his side, he’s all better now, but needs to get out of the shelter.

Located at the ACCT in Philadelphia

Forgotten Friends of Long Island

Forgotten Friends of Long Island Animal Rescue Group is dedicated to the rescue of companion animals which have been in municipal shelters for an extended periodic of time, overlooked by both the general public and by rescues. Sadly, and through no fault of their own, these animals are homeless and wait patiently to be euthanized.

Here is a list of some of the dogs for adoption: http://www.forgottenfriendsoflongisland.org/Dogs.html

They also urgently need foster homes: http://www.forgottenfriendsoflongisland.org/Why_Foster_.html

This is a wonderful organization, please consider to help!!!