Dear animal advocates,
Please crosspost this message for the general public. Please do not clog rescuers' inboxes with it-- while I'd be happy to step aside and let another qualified rescue take this dog, I think most rescues have enough going on to be bothered with another rescuer's pleas. I also remind you that New Hope Partners cannot pull for any other rescue.
Anything you can do to get this great dog some exposure to the public where he might find a qualified foster home would be so appreciated!
Emily Gear
Louie's Legacy
Moron adopter returns handsome blk/white ABD mix to shelter (Is it a day that ends in "y"?)
This exceedingly handsome and stately gentleman is Spot. Spot had a home last night. Tonight, he does not. His dimwitted adopter returned him to the shelter today, saying he looked like he had mange, and he didn't want to pay to treat it.Knowing the pain these animals suffer daily, it is beyond me how someone could stand in line with a dog they had fed, loved and cared for-- even shared moments with for a year could turn around and discard them.
Spot has been discarded.
This 3-year-old American Bulldog Mix is friendly with people and other dogs. He is a handsome brute that does need more obedience training-- he pulls hard on a leash. He weighs 63 lb, but it's all muscle. He needs an experienced owner who's willing to work with him, teach him leash manners, and make him a gentleman. He'll already come with undying loyalty and devotion. Give him a family and a home, a real reason for his living.
DEMODEX MANGE, if he even has it, is NON-CONTAGIOUS. The rescue will provide treatment, but he needs a foster home to recover in. I think it would be a safe bet to say NO CATS, and no SMALL CHILDREN, because of his strength.
Please offer to foster SPOT, so we can help him escape with his life-- again.
APPLY to FOSTER: www.louieslegacy.org/foster
APPLY to ADOPT: www.louieslegacy.org/adopt
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