Monday, June 22, 2009

Yuval Mendelovitz needs help!

I have already posted about Yuval....

But here is some more info:

His website is: Yuval Mendelovitz's website

he lives in Tel Aviv, Israel and has started a mission to save 'bully' dogs. He currently has NO funding; many of the dogs live in his tiny 1 bedroom home or foster care. He is a young man that has pretty much dedicated his life to saving these poor dogs lives.

Most of these dogs arrive from dog fighting situations or very sad and neglected homes. Israel is a country that has banned breeding 'bully' dogs and there is very little hope for them in that country. Unlike the United States in Israel it is VERY rare to come across someone that is willing to give these dogs a chance. He is the last hope for for 'bully' dogs in Israel.

He is need of urgent help to grow, create awareness, build the sanctuary he dreams of and help the thousands of dogs in need. He has some great ideas of how to get the community involved.

In addition he has lost his lease and his car has died on him. Both are very important to help save more dogs.

If you can help, please call him at 011-972-54-428-2273
He needs as much help as possible.

I am working with him to create a pay pal link for donations, until then this is one to help.

Buy food for the dogs by calling this number:
King of the Animals Pet Store, in Tel Aviv Israel
011-972-3-6423133, ask for Yoav
and mention that you are purchasing food for Yuval Mendelovitz's dogs.

I have also spoken with Best Friends (in Utah) to help him and they are writing an article that should appear on there site.

Here again is a link to a video created for him:


Anonymous said...

what an amazing guy!

Donna Lethal said...

Incredible - thanks to Pinups for Pitbulls for helping spread the word!

katie grime said...

does he have a website?

osi said...

we are working on a website right now... very soon it will be ready

there are links you can watch on youtube- soon there will also be in english

thank you all

Anonymous said...

I want to help. How can I donate some money?

Lynn Harris said...

what a great guy!
where can we see the dogs he has?

Anonymous said...

yuval website
you can see the dogs here