Please help us save JESSY, a beautiful, 1 and 1/2 year-old BLUE NOSE Amstaff who will die SUN AM because she has kennel cough! No one ever even gave her a behavior evaluation-- but volunteers noted what a sweet girl she is:
A VOLUNTEER WROTE: Jessy loves to show off how she knows how to sit for treats and to do her #1 and #2 outside where it belongs. This 46 pound, 1 1/2 year old American Pit Bull Terrier mix adores belly rubs but probably didn't get many before she was found in Brooklyn, roaming the streets as a stray. She shows her affection for people by licking their faces. Jessy is entranced by other dogs and pulls on the leash a bit, so she needs some help in that department, but her friendliness makes up for it! Our vets gave her the highest behavioral rating she can get, and said she is sociable and tolerates handling well. During her photo session, Jessy was the perfect model -- calm, patient, and showing her best profile. Please come today and brighten up her future by giving her a new family to love!
If you would like to apply to foster or adopt JESSY, please visit our website to fill out the appropriate application: www.inourhandsrescue.org
Note: if you would like to "foster to adopt, please complete the adoption application.
Emily Gear
Canine Rescue Director
In Our Hands Rescue, Inc.
Brooklyn, NY • Cincinnati, OH
An Approved New Hope Partner of NYC ACC and
Member of the Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals
1 comment:
thanks for posting Sharon!
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