Pit bulls can be the kindness, sweetness dogs.
The are only ruined by humans.
According to the American Canine Temperament Testing Association, 82.5% of the American Pit Bull Terriers that took the temperament test passed, compared to a 77% passing rate for all breeds on average. In the test a dog is placed in a series of confrontational situations. The first sign of aggression or panic is a failure of the test. Pit Bulls have achieved the fourth highest passing rate of all 122 breeds tested.
It is estimated that there are 60,000 Pit Bulls in the City of Chicago alone. This number is so high because people are breeding them for the wrong reasons. Most of them are living in hostile surroundings. It is an amazing testimony to the breed that although 95% of these animals suffer abuse/neglect, we rarely hear of any problems. One analogy is, if there was a sudden increase of people being injured by red cars, would we ban red cars? No! common sense would dictate that red is more popular color choice.
Dog fighting is the number one abuse towards animals in an urban environment. This is why when you watch Animal Precinct on Animal Planet , almost every arrest made involves cruelty towards pit bulls.

"Its time people stop closing their eyes to the source of the problem start to face the reality. The pain you see in the eyes of the dogs in this section IS the sad reality of too many Pit Bulls.
It is the very qualities that make the American PitBull Terrier an outstanding companion dog-intelligence,loyalty,courage, trainability - that attract the criminal element to this breed and make it the most commonly VICTIMIZED. At criminal hands , pitbulls are trained by brutal methods to fight other dogs to death, and to protect their owners during drug deals. Taunting, beating and starvation are common. People's pets(cats, dogs, rabbits) are used as baits to increase aggressive behavior. One dog had actually metal bottle caps sewn under the skin of his neck to ensure he was in constant pain resulting in vicious behavior. Complete lack of socialization (being kept in garages, backyards, abandoned buildings) further exacerbates the situation.
It is not accurate to assess a dog based on appearance, pedigree or history. Every individual animal needs to be evaluated on its own merits. There is no reason to assume that because a dog has been injured and scarred that he/she is unadoptable, or should be termed a "fighter". Most pit bulls that end up in animal shelters bearing heavy scarring are there because they would NOT fight, and were discarded by dog fighters. These victims deserve special consideration, not condemnation. Some animal shelters condemn any dog that has a pit bull look as "unadoptable" without any evaluation. This death sentence is unfair and unsound.
A dog is born with only goodness in his heart.
After he is beaten and miss treated by humans he becomes this bully everyone makes them out to be.
Be kind to pit bulls.
Be kind to animals.