I got this email:
A friend of mine who runs Pug Peke Tzu Rescue in Upstate NY sent this out to me and is hoping that others can help and step up to the plate as well. I am just the messenger- hoping that ANYONE or any rescues can help save some or ALL of these pugs!!!!Please read the message below:************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *****Point of contact is Tina- here is her note..Tina Fancher <tinaf0807@gmail. com>TINA WROTE:I have received an email of a pug puppy mill closing they have close to 100 pugs, all ages...please let me know if you can take any and if so how many...any not spoken for will be killed...a couple are coming thurs or fri the rest over the weekend..it is in Lancaster I am going with Kathy to get them..she is with a boston terrier rescue.Let me know ASAP if you can help!!!
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