Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Dogs Helping Children
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Brownie is desperately seeking a home.
My son and I have walked him several times and he is very sweet.
He probably needs a home with no other dogs.
He is a old fellow but healthy...he just needs someone to love him.
Think of Brownie and forward to any friends seeking a really special dog.
contact the Sean Casey Dog House if you want him...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Oliver Needs Our Help!

Oliver couldn't have led a more miserable existence than the one he'd been in. Before he came to Bideawee, he was trapped in a puppy mill house of horrors in Tennessee, one in which he and several other innocent dogs were forced to produce puppies for ruthless breeders who cared nothing about the dogs' health or safety. It was only after a police raid on the mill and seizure of the dogs that Oliver finally escaped.
The little boy was far from safe, however. Oliver and many of the other dogs went to a municipal shelter that had high euthanasia rate. Although Oliver was a Dachshund, he was in such poor health that no adopter would want to take a risk on him. This pitiful pup had jumped from the frying pan into the fire, and time was quickly running out for such a sweet-faced dog whose mournful eyes seemed to cry out for help.
Click here to read more:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Andy and Omri

In the mean time let me write a little about Omri (my 2yr old) and Andy (my pug - btw. I am totally against puppy mills...will get into that in another post):
Andy and Omri have developed a loving and warm relationship, especially now that Omri feeds him...cleans him, hugs and kisses....Omri adores him!
When I was pregnant I was very worried what would become of Andy...he was the center of attention and it was important to me to maintain that to some extreme. I am a very loyal person...not one to push the dog aside because the baby has arrived...
When we bought Omri home Andy sniffed him and then pretty stayed away.
He then did growl a few times in the following months, which made me terribly anxious and I considered hiring a behavioral trainer.
Let me add that I was not worried Andy would actually attack...I was so disappointed as I was sure they would have this special relationship...
Due to cost factors we decided to hang in there and see if things change...and they have!
I think the big change started when Omri started walking...
(I read once that dogs see crawling babies as other dogs until they start walking).
Omri has also learned to 'boss' him around....but at the same time wants to take a bath and go to bed with sweet.
I am so happy with my little clan...and so glad I never gave up on there relationship. Andy is lucky to have another (little) person give him warmth and love and Omri has learned to love and appreciate dogs with no fear.
last weekend
This past weekend I did not get to go the shelter like planned and that makes me sad. I promise to go this weekend and give an update.
I have been thinking about Brownie...Layla...and all the other dogs...(just ask my husband!)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
the shelter i go to with my son...
The dogs there are so precious and are desperately seeking a warm loving home....there eyes are so sad...they have either been abandoned or there owners have passed away. They are all in need of a home. I wish I could take them all with me...
I have decided to create a blog dedicated to Dogs. Especially dogs in need as i feel they do not get the chance to speak out.
I have a deep connection and love to dogs and recently have volunteered at a local dog shelter with my 2 year old son and plan to continue doing so with him.
I would like to write and show pictures of dogs that are in need of a home, bring articles and news about local shelters that need our help.