Avital, is Yuval's recent rescue, arrived in a horrific state, clearly suffering from severe demodex mange, hairless and with cracked and bleeding body parts. Found lost and scared on the side of the road. She is starting the process of recovery and we invite you to follow her story, share it on facebook, possibly donate and support the rescue. Thank you for all love!! http://yuvalhelpsdogs.chipin.com/avital-yuvals-recent-rescue
Not once have we written how overload it is at our rescue. We currently have over 85 rescued dogs that ALL need food and medical care. We also MUST renovate many of the dogs living area because the number of dogs has grown rapidly and very hot summer is approaching us fast. For this upcoming renovation we need to raise $2000.
Please consider to donate to our rescue. Every dollar would be appreciated and will help a living soul live more comfortably.
We are in desperate need for donations. We currently have over 75 dogs at our rehabilitation center and are struggling to feed and provide medical care of all of them. Many of these dogs were rescued from dog fighting circles, abused homes, malnourished or abounded on the streets. All of them would be put down if they made to the city shelters. We are giving them a chance to recover emotional and physically and hopefully a loving home for the rest of there days. Please consider to help us, your donation would be greatly appreciated by our dogs and by us. If you can’t donate, please consider to tell your friends and spread our facebook page.