DONATIONS: http://yuvalhelpsdogs.chipin.com/yuval-mendelovitz-dog-rescue

Please spread the word about Yuval's rescue group. He urgently needs donations and I created a chipin for him.
Any amount would be appreciated!
Yuval can not survive without donations!
He is working on his own with no funding.
some videos of the dogs
Galit recovering:
Ifat at the vet:
Yuval on an Israeli news show:
Yuval Mendelovitz, also known as the Angel of the Pit bulls and Mastiffs in Israel, is an extraordinary young man, having dedicated his life to saving “bully” dogs.
The dogs Yuval takes in are breeds that are banned for ownership, breeding and importation as of a 2004 Israeli law. The breeds listed as banned are: American Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Amstaff), Bull Terrier, Argentinean Dogo, Japanese Tosa, Staffordshire Bull Terrier (English Staff), Pitt Bull Terrier, Brazilian Fila and Rottwieller.
Most of these dogs arrive from dog fighting situations or very sad and neglected homes. There is very little hope for them in Israel. Currently, Yuval is the last hope for these 'dangerous' dogs in Israel, and he is in urgent need of help to grow his rescue operation, create awareness about bully breeds, and build the sanctuary he dreams of to help the thousands of dogs in need.
Yuval and his dedicated volunteers manage to find safe and loving homes for a large number of the dogs. Yuval is currently working with NO FUNDING and needs as much help as possible.
Here is an article Best Friends wrote about him:
His English Facebook page:
DONATE: http://yuvalhelpsdogs.chipin.com/yuval-mendelovitz-dog-rescue